10 Class / Brief
Dedicated to the Legacy & Vision of C. Raymond Hunt

C. Raymond Hunt. (1908 – 1978) – One of the most influential yacht designers of the 20th century. Internationally known and respected helmsman and a gifted visionary, with an innate sense of the physics of motion. To his peers he was a man “ahead of his time.” To his competitors, through his creation of the deep-V hull, the enduring Concordia Yawls, the radical Lawley 225s and International 110s – the preeminent forebear of Hunt’s 10 series of yachts – he was feared on the racecourse.
1,200 International 110s and 210s have been built through the years, and a large portion are still actively racing. Our plan is to complement the existing fleet with four new class vessels based on existing surviving drawings ranging in size from 11 to 17 meters. This will continue C. Raymond Hunt’s legacy and vision by furthering an important design philosophy of efficient, fast, affordable and easy to build vessels.
Ten Class is a unique industry wide alliance formed by ClassicSailboats.Org, created as a development class that allows for continued improvements. The class will be governed by a strict box rule allowing for innovations, and design improvements.
All vessels will be constructed two ways, tab and glue and 3d printed and assembled throughout the world at the discretion of each owner or syndicate. The sailplan will consist of either a traditional stayed mast or one single stayless mast, with a soft wingsail limiting sail area to each class sail area designation.
First we will introduce the all new 310 Class, followed by three additional 10 Class vessels: the 410, 510, and 1010. Each class will have three versions; Vintage, Classic and Fusion. Aside from the Vintage vessels, all vessels appendages must retract allowing the vessels to be ramp launched, keeping operational, manage and storage cost to a minimum. All vessels will be built from environmentally sustainable materials, and will be fully recyclable, closing the loop of sustainability.
10 Class vessels must feature self bailing cockpits, simple rigs, driven with minimal sail area. Resulting vessels will not only fuse modern attributes of yacht design into a multi-generational classical package, but will serve as a platform for educational programs (STEM – Science, Technology, Education, Math) and environmental initiatives.
The construction of the 10 Class vessels will be unique resulting in a green, simple, affordable building process that will allow the vessels to be assembled by anyone with average skills and equipment, or professionally assembled by C.W. Hood Yachts. This fulfills Ray Hunts legacy in creating low weight, high performance vessels with low cost and ease of maintenance. The vessels will be unsinkable, and will comply with Bluestar strict guidelines.